Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Need Some Advice

Ok...so if you had to choose between me and an immature, irresponsible, crazy, dishonest woman, who would you pick?  Because I do not know if I should feel insulted and rejected that you chose her, or if I should feel relieved that you chose her.  I tried to have faith that you were a good person who just made a string of irresponsible decisions, but now I think you might be as immature, irresponsible, crazy and dishonest as her.  I do not want to be bitter, and I am no angel myself.  But I feel that my forgiveness and kindness have only earned me more pain.  How many chances does a person deserve?  There is someone out there who will love, appreciate and respect me, right?  Or am I the crazy one?  Be honest please!

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